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The darkest day

Title: The darkest day

Lyrics by: Esa Myllylä

© 2016, Esa Myllylä, All Rights Reserved.

The darkest day was here.

I really wanted to scream.

They said i must live my life.

I just could not relax.

I was scared.

But they supposed I must live my life.

The pain. Won’t relax me.

I was so scarred.

I have been searching for the answer.

The doctor said.

Just take it easy.

Live every day like it was the final.

I took a loan and go far from here.

I lived on the beach.

I smiled when the wave comes to me.

I wanted to say goodbye.

I wasn’t lonely anymore.

When I visited the beach.

They said I lived my life.

I said goodbye to the world.

I wished I had realized a difference in this world.

I just smiled.

I really wanted to go.

I said goodbye to the world.

I wasn’t not lonely anymore.

I could feel the difference.

The doctor sends me a text message.

It said sorry I have caused a mistake.

I am angry now.

But not alone.

I have found my meaning of the lifetime.

A lot of money to pay now.

I see the world with a remainder.

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