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Rhyme or not rhyme on lyrics.

Rhyme or not rhyme on lyrics. You can write what you feel,

Some of the best songs have no rhyme and some have. Rhyme example. I loved you today,

I will love you more every day.

Non-rhyme example.

I love you more than I can say,

My sweet love is what you are.

Here is a funny rhyme example my brother wrote.

I want to be your banana today,

and we go bananas every day,

together and in every way,

we making sex like horny cats in a banana field.

Most of the rock songs have no rhymes, Country music have rhymes and non-rhymes, Most of the country music is written what you feel and can include like she said, I love you. There is one thing that is not good, some can write with words people don’t understand, and go more poetry style that cannot be in a song.

Often poetry is hard to understand what is the point or where is the ending. Example of poetry that don’t work as song,

I shaved my head,

I really wanted go to bed,

I wanted to dream,

About a beam of light,

To make me more bright,

To feel me all right. To write a lyric, keep it simple and find a catchy hook, here is the bad poetry in new version that works in a song

Example of the bad poetry changed to work in a song. I really wanted to shave my head

Before I going to the bed,

Today I want to have sweet dreams, Dreams about rainbows in the light, My face gonna feel the bright, and that gonna feel me all right. Some people write one lyric in 5 minutes and some can work on it weeks, Write a lyric fast and don’t go back and look what you have written, when you are finished you can go back and make the changes needed. Often it is already good, and no need to edit, sometimes there can be rhymes that don’t work and need to edit, sing the text, that’s way you feel if it is ok or not.

Write what you feel, that’s is the key in writing lyrics, keep it simple.

All text, is copyrighted to Esa Myllylä, except the funny banana rhyme, it belongs to my brother. The good poetry I have is already a lyric about and its copyrighted.

© 2016, Esa Myllylä, All Rights Reserved.

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