End of this world
Title: End of this world
Lyrics by: Esa Myllylä
© 2016, Esa Myllylä, All Rights Reserved.
Took a flight to the end of the world,
Where no one wants to go.
Left with a broken heart.
I felt the pain,
In this world,
With my loneliness.
I wanted to say goodbye and screaming for help in this end of the world.
I heard my self echo,
Nobody was in this world.
I did feel the difference,
In this world, I was living in.
I tried to smile with a broken heart and nobody was looking at me.
I was alone,
I had no defenses,
I wanted to go.
I could not relax,
In this world,
Like I should do,
With a broken heart,
I tried to relax.
I was standing at the end of the world,
There was nobody listening.
I wanted to say goodbye,
To this world.
I wanted to see a difference.
I could not relax,
In this world,
Like I should do,
With a broken heart,
I tried to relax.
I heard a bird singing and I wanted to smile.
I smiled for the first time.
The bird was singing to me.
For the first time in this world,
I did not feel alone in this world.
I took a ticket home and did not feel a broken heart,
In this world,